
Building From Package


This part is in-the-works! For now, please refer to the Building From Source (with pip) section below.

Building From Source (with pip)

  1. Make sure you have Python 3.12 and Poetry installed!

  2. Clone this repository. Make sure you have your SSH key setup!

    git clone
  3. You are now ready to install the Agent Catalog package! Using your project’s Python environment, execute the following command to install a local package with pip:

    cd agent-catalog
    # Install the agentc package.
    pip install libs/agentc

    If you are interested in building a .whl file (for later use in .whl-based installs), use poetry directly:

    cd libs/agentc
    poetry build

Building From Source (with Poetry)

  1. Make sure you have Python 3.12 and Poetry installed!

  2. Clone this repository. Make sure you have your SSH key setup!

    git clone
  3. Within your own pyproject.toml file, add the following dependency to your project: The path should point to the location of the agentc package (and is relative to the pyproject.toml file itself).

    agentc = { path = "agent-catalog/libs/agentc", develop = true }
  4. Run the command poetry update to install the Agent Catalog package.

    cd agent-catalog
    poetry update

Verifying Your Installation

If you’ve followed the steps above, you should now have the agentc command line tool. Run agentc --help to verify your installation (note that your first run will take a couple of seconds as some libraries like numpy need to be built, subsequent runs will be faster).

Usage: agentc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The Couchbase Agent Catalog command line tool.

  -c, --catalog DIRECTORY         Directory of the local catalog files.  [default: .agent-catalog]
  -a, --activity DIRECTORY        Directory of the local activity files (runtime data).  [default: .agent-activity]
  -v, --verbose                   Flag to enable verbose output.  [default: 0; 0<=x<=2]
  -i, --interactive / -ni, --no-interactive
                                  Flag to enable interactive mode.  [default: i]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  add      Interactively create a new tool or prompt and save it to the filesystem (output).
  clean    Delete all agent catalog related files / collections.
  env      Return all agentc related environment and configuration parameters as a JSON object.
  execute  Search and execute a specific tool.
  find     Find items from the catalog based on a natural language QUERY string or by name.
  index    Walk the source directory trees (SOURCE_DIRS) to index source files into the local catalog.
  publish  Upload the local catalog to a Couchbase instance.
  status   Show the status of the local catalog.
  version  Show the current version of agentc.

  See: for more information.

If you see the output above, you are all set! To build your first agent, head on over to the user guide page.