Agent Catalog Environment Variables

Agent Catalog can be configured globally using the environment variables defined in this section. If you have a .env file in the same working directory as Agent Catalog, the environment variables will additionally be read from there.

Mandatory Environment Variables


The connection string for your Couchbase cluster. This can be set to couchbase://localhost if you are hosting the cluster locally or obtained from Capella if you are using the cloud-based service. For more information on connection strings, refer to the documentation here.


The username of the account/database access key used to access your Couchbase cluster.


The password of the account/database access key used to access your Couchbase cluster


The name of the bucket where your catalog and all audit logs are/will be stored.

Optional Environment Variables


Path to the TLS Root Certificate associated with your Couchbase cluster for secure connection establishment.

Instructions for Couchbase Server certificates can be found here.


The location on your filesystem that denotes where the local audit logs are stored.


The location on your filesystem that denotes where the local catalogs (i.e., the tool-catalog.json and prompt-catalog.json files) are stored.


A boolean flag that denotes whether the Agent Catalog CLI should run in interactive mode. If set to True, the CLI will prompt the user for input. If set to False, the CLI will not prompt the user for input (useful for scripting).


A boolean flag that denotes whether Agent Catalog should run in debug mode. If set to True, both the SDK and the CLI will display debug messages.


The version of the catalog that the Agent Catalog SDK should use when serving tools and prompts. By default, the SDK will use the latest version of the catalog.


The location on your filesystem where the generated tool code of agentc.Provider will write and serve from. By default, the agentc.Provider class does not write the generated code to disk. If this parameter is set, the generated code will be written to the specified location.


The location + filename of the audit logs that the agentc.Auditor will write to. By default, the agentc.Auditor class will write and rotate logs in the ./agent-activity directory.


The embedding model that Agent Catalog will use when indexing and querying tools and prompts. This must be a valid embedding model that is supported by the sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer class. By default, the sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2 model is used.


Required for advanced vector index definition. This is an integer that defines the number of index partitions on your node. If not set, this value is 2 * number of nodes with 'search' service on your cluster. More information on index partitioning can be found here.


Required for advanced vector index definition. This is an integer that defines the maximum number of source partitions. If not set, this value is 1024.